Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Komposisi ahli Majlis Konsultasi Perpaduan Negara

Pemimpin Umno tiada harga di mata Najib – Shahbudin Husin

November 27, 2013
Apabila bekas Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad mengkritik Najib dengan mengatakan kepimpinannya semakin lemah dan sering tunduk kepada tuntutan kumpulan ekstremis pembangkang, beberapa pemimpin Umno segera tampil menyanggah pandangan itu. Menurut mereka, keterbukaan Najib tidak seharusnya ditafsirkan sebagai tunduk dan lebih mendengar tuntutan pembangkang.
Namun, dua hari lalu Najib mengumumkan penubuhan Majlis Konsultansi Perpaduan Negara atau MKPN sebagai usaha mengukuhkan perpaduan pelbagai kaum di negara ini. MKPN ini diberi tempoh selama enam bulan untuk memberi cadangan kepada kerajaan bagi tujuan itu.
Cuba lihat ahli-ahli MKPN ini:-
Pengerusi - Samsudin Osman
Timbalan Pengerusi - Lee Lam Thye
Ahli majlis:
Ramon Navaratnam
Pheng Yin Huah
Napsiah Omar
Dr Michael Yeoh Oon Kheng
Johan Jaafar
Senator Boon Soom a/l Inong
Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa
Clarence Bongkos Malakun
John Sikayun
Lim Kok Cheong
Saifuddin Abdullah
Zainal Abidin Abdul Kadir
Rugayah Abdul Majid
Dr Kantayya Mariapan
Prof Madya Dr Madeline Berma
Prof Dr Suresh Kumar a/l Govind
Dr Bilson Kurus
Tan Yew Sing
Lim Chee Wee
Lim Lam Thye
Sadar Jagir Singh
Marina Mahathir
Mohamed Maliki Mohamed Rafiee
Mohamad Anas Omar @ Anas Zubedy
Wardina Safiyyah
Ariff Irwani Azahari
Audrey Goh
Di mana pemimpin dan ahli Parlimen Umno dalam majlis itu? Kalau PAS diwakili ahli Parlimen dan AJK PAS Pusat Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, apakah menjadi suatu kesalahan dan dosa bagi Najib untuk melantik ahli Parlimen Umno atau daripada kalangan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno menganggotai majlis itu?
Kenapa dalam soal mahu mewujudkan perpaduan dan memberi idea serta cadangan ke arah mewujudkan perpaduan, Umno sebagai parti teras dalam kerajaan dipinggirkan?
Kenapa juga pemimpin daripada Perkasa atau Jati tidak dijemput sama?
Dalam MKPN ini, kalau ada pun wajah Umno di dalamnya hanyalah melalui Saifuddin Abdullah, Napsiah Omar dan Zainal Abidin Abdul Kadir tetapi Saifuddin telah kalah dalam pilihan raya dan pemilihan Umno yang lalu.
Pengamal politik baru ini sudah boleh dianggap pemimpin yang berada di luar lingkungan. Napsiah dan Zainal Abidin pula adalah bekas wakil rakyat dan sudah menjadi "orang pencen" dalam Umno.
Apakah Marina Mahathir yang pernah terlibat dengan Bersih, Sister In Islam dan turut dikaitkan dengan tuntutan Comango mahu diharapkan mewakili Umno dalam memberi cadangan dan kepentingan Melayu dalam soal perpaduan ini?
Komposisi ahli-ahli majlis MKPN ini juga seperti tidak menggambarkan realiti kedudukan kaum yang sebenar di mana sepatutnya ahli daripada kalangan Melayu jauh lebih ramai berbanding kaum lain. Melayu dan Umno sebenarnya sama-sama dipinggirkan dalam MKPN ini.
Ramai juga yang keliru mengapa Najib melantik artis Wardina menganggotai majlis ini kerana beliau diketahui memang mempunyai pandangan yang lebih mirip kepada pembangkang serta kerapkali mengkritik kerajaan dalam tulisannya di Twitter.
Kenapa tidak dilantik daripada kalangan pemimpin persatuan artis atau daripada kalangan penggiat seni yang lebih senior?
Selain Melayu dan Umno diketepikan dalam usaha membentuk perpaduan, Najib yang juga Presiden Umno nampaknya lebih menghargai dan memandang tinggi kewibawaan ahli Parlimen dan AJK PAS Pusat berbanding parti di mana beliau sendiri menjadi ketuanya.
Barangkali ini merupakan satu lagi idea cemerlang daripada Pemandu, kalangan penasihat (punah-sihat?) atau perunding luar (dipanggil juga con-sultan atau con-setan) yang telah menelan belanja RM7.2 bilion sejak lima tahun lalu.
Dan tanpa sedar, Najib telah mengesahkan pandangan Mahathir terhadapnya. –

Pandangan penulis:,  27 November, 2013.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

pencapaian DAP


Guan Eng changes Malay deputies like a baby changes diapers

In table form below, you can see the phenomenal rise and rise of the DAP. From winning a mere 11 state seats in the 1999 election, DAP catapulted its performance to win 95 seats in 2013.

national unity or political unity?

Najib: Embrace and celebrate differences for a better Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR: The country’s nation building process will reach its pinnacle when Malaysians can stop looking at one another through the lens of race and religion, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said to attain this, unity and nation building efforts should be continued and not taken for granted. “It is my fervent wish to see that we will not see each other through racial and religious lenses.
Nation building is a laborious process but it is important that we do this because there is no substitute for unity,” he said at the National Unity Consultative Council launch.

 who are the council members?

go bankrupt or not to go bankrupt?

that was in 2011.

now in 2013:

Najib: It’s either GST or facing bankruptcy

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has a stark choice of either increasing government revenue via the goods and services tax (GST) or burdening the country by borrowing more money.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the implementation of GST was necessary as the country risked becoming bankrupt like Greece if it resorted to borrowing.
“We have to find additional sources of income and that’s why we have to implement the GST,” he said at a seminar on Strengthening the National Economy.

Kindda 'pelik'.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

to make statement or not to make statement?

A couple of years back I blogged that the Cabinet Ministers should not make any statements in public. They say the most ridiculous things. 

They have been saying things in public again. They really sound not clever. Unfortunately the senior civil servants have also been saying things in public. Again it is also embarrassing.

Here is a list of things they have said and then flip flopped or back tracked about over the past seven days.

1. The JAKIM Minister wanted guns for the religious enforcement guys. He thought it was a good idea. Fortunately there was a huge outcry including a wise comment by the Tengku Mahkota of Pahang. So they flip flopped and back tracked. Seeing the booboo, suddenly it became "just a suggestion", 'just an idea' and crap like that. Once they look foolish in public, everything becomes 'just an idea', 'just a thought'.

Just like the pas pis pus guys. When they say something really stupid it will quickly become 'Itu pandangan peribadi dia. Bukan pegangan rasmi parti.'  

2. The same religious guys have been talking about controlling religious discussion on the Internet.  How dumb can you get? How are you going to control the Internet except if you shut it down. This is what Iran has tried to do but unsuccessfully.  

3. Then some fellow from MIROS or something said that cars that are more than 12 years old will not be allowed on the roads anymore. Again it caused an outcry. Why 12 years? Why not 15 years or 10 years? Ada scientific logic ke?  Atau ini pun termasuk dalam kategori "tidak boleh gunakan akal"?

When the outcry was loud enough again the gomen backtracked. Flip flopped. They said, 

"Putrajaya today killed off a suggested 12 year-age limit on cars, following concerted pressure from the opposition and uproar from the used-car industry.  Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi suggested that the proposal was only a study and that there was never a definitive proposal.."

Flip flop again. The moment people complain it becomes, "just a proposal, only a study". This means the gomen does not study things carefully before they lepas angin busuk in public.  

4. Then the DBKL came out with this ridiculous 200% increase in assessment rates. Ini mabuk apa dong? Who raises rates, quit rent etc by 200%?  Ok saya setuju the rates have not been raised for 20 years. Why? Why were the rates not increased for 20 years? 

Why not raise a steady 5% every three years or five years? Why wait 20 years and whack the people with a 200% rise? 

What happened to "Rakyat Di Dahulukan"? Then when everyone complained, especially the Opposition Parliamentarians, the gomen gostan. Flip flop. Now DBKL says, "it is just a proposal. Bukan implement lagi". Ku Nan now says that the increase will be reduced - maybe 70% only. Not 200%. Flip flop lagi. 

And here we must thank Tengku Adnan's wife because according to Ku Nan his wife also complained because she also owned "a few properties" around Kuala Lumpur. 

Well arent we all so lucky? If Ku Nan's wife owns even more properties around KL, can the rates go even lower? This is what the public will come to think. Pasal apa pula? Sebab Ku Nan dah kata bini dia pun complain. Itu pasal lah.

5. Today we read about this Lizard King fellow in Penang who was fined for dealing in exotic animals, endangered species and such. The gomen had said that all his permits had been cancelled. Well Al Jazeera (of all the TV stations) has made an expose. The guy is back in business. Here is The Star :
  • wildlife trafficker Anson Wong is back in business.
  • Al Jazeera’s conducted a year-long investigation infiltrate Wong’s network.
  • Wong’s wife Cheah Bing Shee in her office where she told him: “We also import animals for sale, including skunks and other creatures.”
  • All licences and special permits issued to Wong were revoked in September 2010.
  • they were allowed to renew several business permits
  • also discovered Rona Wildlife, a company formed after Wong’s 2010 conviction.
  • trading permits to export the same animals Wong did to the same customers 
  • Wong responded, “Well, ask the Government.
And what did the gomen say? Here is Palanivel the Minister of the Environment (May Allah save us all)

Palanivel (said) he was unaware of Wong’s infamy
I do not know who this person is. 
I have never come across him. 
Only today was I told of this chap 
he would not know if Wong had resumed his activities 
people could do things illegally without the ministry’s knowledge
go after top-level officials if they were suspected to be Wong’s accomplices, Palanivel said: “I won’t know, because sometimes things can go without my knowledge.”

Listen to the Minister's language :  "he was unaware, I dont know, never come across him, would not know, I wont know, without my knowledge."

Well if the Minister does not know so much lebih baik pi tidoq saja. It looks like the corrupted officers can run rings around the Minister. He does not know anything. "he was unawareI dont know, I would not know, I wont know"

How can new permits be issued to the same parties (of course lah they will use different identities, front companies etc. These people were not born yesterday). Jangan pula gomen pura-pura bodoh.  Now Palanivel is also flip flopping.  

Folks, it is basic etiquette ok - you dont lepas angin busuk in public. That is NOT a nice thing to do. Kalau nak lepas angin busuk you go and do it somewhere private where it will not cause the public to pengsan. 

Unfortunately this is what the gomen has been doing. They lepas angin busuk in public. Then when people complain about the stink, they quickly flip flop, retract, deny, gostan, make excuses and all sorts of crap. 

This is evidence enough that the Ministers do not know their job. They dont know what they are doing or saying. Just pakai hentam saja. Say something without thinking. When the people complain then flip flop.  

Here is the soalan cepu mas : so what do the Ministers really do?
read more:

selamatkah kita?

Budak Lelaki Enam Tahun Berjaya Lepaskan Diri Dari Cengkaman Penculik

Budak lelaki yang nyaris menjadi mangsa culik ketika disoal siasat di balai polis, Ahad.
KUALA LUMPUR: Kepantasan seorang budak lelaki berusia enam tahun berfikir membolehkan dia berjaya melarikan diri daripada cengkaman penculik atas kehendaknya sendiri apabila dia bertindak berlari meluru keluar dari LRT yang dinaiki.
Menurut kanak-kanak itu, dia telah ditangkap oleh seorang lelaki yang memakai topeng ketika dia sedang bermain dengan kawan-kawannya di luar flat di Bangsar pada Ahad.
Dia telah dibawa menaiki LRT dan selepas beberapa perhentian, dia telah mengumpul keberanian dan berlari meluru keluar sebaik sahaja pintu dibuka ketika kereta api berhenti di stesen Taman Melati kira-kira pukul 4 petang.
Budak lelaki itu hanya berhenti berlari apabila melihat seorang pegawai polis bantuan.
"Saya mahu lari tetapi saya takut. Tetapi apabila saya melihat pintu terbuka dan dia sedang melihat tempat lain, saya hanya berlari keluar selaju yang mungkin," katanya sambil menambah lelaki itu tidak mengejarnya.
Katanya, terdapat ramai orang di sekelilingnya tetapi dia tidak berani meminta bantuan kerana bimbang lelaki itu akan mengapa-apakannya.
Kanak-kanak itu kelihatan bersemangat tinggi dan berkata polis telah memberikan minuman dan mi untuk makan malam.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tanam padi atas bumbung rumah? Gila....



Assalaamua'laikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

Don't be angry, the title of this blog is just a joke !!!!. Nothing racial. When I was the Minister of Agriculture before I went back to the State of Kedah to become the Menteri Besar, land was an issue. As MADA is regarded as a model of a developed rice-growing area in Kedah, funded by the World Bank, the acreage for the Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA) could not be used for other than padi planting.
Padi is of course a necessity but padi farmers are also associated with poverty. Growing rice in small acreages is therefore similar to growing or perpetuating poverty. Short of replacing the padi with oil palm the income of the padi farmers can only be increased by doubling or tripling the production per acre of padi. New clones need to be found. In addition the farmers have to get involved in other economic activities such as making biscuits, cakes, handicrafts, rearing domestic animals and growing vegetables and fruit trees etc..etc..
Instead of reducing the acreage of padi fields I have asked investors to go to the non-padi areas for their housing and other industrial projects. If they are brave enough they should reclaim the sea.

But then, in the process of growing padi much fertilizer and water are wasted as the rain-water and the water from the dam just lingers through the padi fields to the rivers and the sea while the fertilizer just sip into the ground.
As such, how about roof-top farming? The farmers in Kedah can build concrete houses in the padi fields without actually sacrificing the acreage, but by just growing them on the flat, well thought of structure on the roof-tops. With cement flooring the water will not flow away and the fertilizer stays. Piping would have to be provided for water circulation.
When I mentioned this idea the media went to town to harass what was considered as my weird thought. Cartoons were drawn and I appeared like a clown. Quietly I requested the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) to build a structure in Butterworth for padi growing on the roof top. I was told that it was viable. But the press was not supportive. Later on as Menteri Besar of Kedah and Chairman of MADA I requested that a house be built for a library in the vicinity of Paya Pahlawan in the district of Kubang Pasu. We could grow padi three times a year on the roof-top of the library without water and fertilizer shortage and wastage. It was very viable. But no one was listening. Short of calling me mad, they said that it was a crazy idea.
Below is a press report of such an endeavor being undertaken by the Chinese. Have the Chinese gone mad" Thus the tile of this entry.

High rice flats! The lush paddy field that sits on top of a block of flats
  • Peng Qiugen has transformed his rooftop in Shaoxing in east China's Zhejiang provice into a fertile farmland
  • Grows rice, watermelons and vegetables on the 120-square-metre paddy, which sits more than 40 feet above ground


PUBLISHED: 16:29 GMT, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:45 GMT, 18 November 2013

Where do you find the space to harvest rice in a city of more than 4million people?

On the roof of your house, according to one Chinese farmer.

Peng Qiugen has transformed the rooftop of his four-storey house in Shaoxing in east China's Zhejiang province into a fertile farmland.

As well as rice, he grows watermelons, vegetables and other crops on the 120-square-metre paddy, which sits more than 40 feet above the ground.

The farmer has dedicated months to harvesting his produce since completing the rooftop conversion several years ago.

 His unusual creation has drawn the attention of locals in the overcrowded city - with many offering to help Mr Qiugen harvest his crops.
It also appears to have solved a difficult conundrum faced by many countries around the world - how to produce enough food for an ever-increasing population when land and space is rapidly running out.

Despite its alternative appearance, Mr Qiugen's rice paddy has boasted an impressive harvest year on year, according to China Daily.

It has produced a 30 per cent higher yield than is expected on ground-level land - with a staggering 400kg of watermelons grown on the roof in 2012 alone. 

And this year, the farmland's produce is reportedly sufficient enough to feed an adult for a whole year.

However, despite its success, agricultural experts have warned that people should seek out professional advice before attempting to cultivate farmlands on top of their homes. 

It is not the first time a novel creation has been erected in Shaoxing, which has a population of about 4.3million people.

Earlier this year, the world's longest and widest multi-pylon cable-stayed bridge was opened in the city - which is situated 200km south-east of Shanghai - following seven years of construction work.

The Jiaxing-Shaoxing Sea Bridge, which stretches 6.2miles over the Hangzhou Bay, is supported by two cable towers - each one towering a whopping 745ft in the air.

It is designed for vehicles travelling exclusively above 60mph - with pedestrians, motorbikes and cars with a maximum speed below 45mph not allowed to cross

Thursday, November 14, 2013

PAS: Ready or Not

Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Kelantan sedia laksana hudud


KOTA BHARU 13 Nov. - Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Kelantan bersedia sepenuhnya untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud atau Enakmen Jenayah Syariah II Kelantan 1993 sekiranya Kerajaan Pas Kelantan mahu menguatkuasakan undang-undang tersebut dalam masa terdekat.
Ketua Hakim Syarie Kelantan, Datuk Daud Muhammad berkata, pihaknya mempunyai kemudahan yang mencukupi untuk melaksanakan hukum Islam itu.
Beliau bagaimanapun berkata, Kerajaan Pas Kelantan perlu menambah jumlah hakim sekiranya ia mahu dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat.
"Hukum hudud boleh dilaksanakan, undang-undang sudah ada. Lantik hakim sahaja. Mahkamah Syariah sudah bersedia pada bila-bila masa, kita tidak ada halangan," katanya.
Beliau berkata kepada pemberita selepas Majlis Perasmian Kompleks Mahkamah Syariah Negeri Kelantan di Bandar Baru Tunjong di sini hari ini.
Majlis tersebut disempurnakan oleh Sultan Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V. - UTUSAN ONLINE

DIY Drinking water

The typhoon season may bring mean more rains but not necessarily more clean, drinking water.
In case you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being a typhoon victim, you may benefit from learning how to produce drinkable water from any water source--whether it’s a river, lake or even from rainwater.
The Johns Hopkins University Global Water Program suggests the following ways to make unclean water safe to drink:
Method # 1
  • Allow water to pass through a clean piece of cloth then boil for 3 minutes.
Method # 2
  • Collect water in empty, transparent, plastic containers such as Coca-Cola PET bottles and expose to the sun for at least 6 hours on a sunny day or 48 hours on a cloudy day.
Method # 3
  • Add 2 tablespoons of dayap or calamansi to 2 liters of water and let stand for 30 minutes.
Method # 4
  • Add 2 drops of Clorox bleach to 1 liter of water and let stand for 30 minutes.
Method # 5
  • Add 5 drops of 2% iodine Betadine to 1 gallon water.
Let’s hope that you will never find the need to use this basic survival tip of making your own drinking water.

Possibly the methods  Drinking Water/Air Minuman entrprenuers doing business; low cost,  promising profits.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pilihanraya Kecil Sg Limau

Saya tidak berniat untuk kempen dalam PRK Sungai Limau. Ini sebahagian dari kawasan saya pada tahun-tahun 1964 – 1969. Saya sukar berkempen di sini. Tetapi kerana sebab tertentu saya lapangkan masa pada 3hb November dan saya memutus untuk ke Sungai Limau.Sungai Limau tebal dengan PAS kerana terdapat guru agama yang terkenal di situ. Tetapi kali ini BN dapat masuk dan saya juga boleh berkempen. Sudah longgar agaknya.
Bendera PAS sama banyak dengan BN. Kit Siang turut berkempen tetapi DAP masih takut bayang-bayang saya. Tumpuan Kit Siang ialah mencaci saya, seolah-olah saya yang bertanding. Kit Siang tidak senang kenapa saya masih aktif selepas bersara.
Pada 1964 saya jadi Wakil Rakyat. Kit Siang menjadi Setiausaha Politik kepada Devan Nair. Kemudian setelah PAP tidak dapat aktif lagi di Malaysia Kit Siang menubuh DAP dan menjadi ketuanya. Saya bersara 2003. Kit Siang belum bersara, masih ketua DAP dan menjadi wakil rakyat Gelang Patah. Bila Kit Siang akan bersara? Sampai mati kah? Jika sudah bersara nak jadi pemimpin kanan (Senior Leader) DAP kah?
Kempen sekarang ini berbeza dari dahulu. Banyak wang diguna. Diadakan Karnival di mana ada acara hiburan, jamuan dan hadiah percuma seperti T-shirt BN, PAS yang belum memerintah terpaksa jual T-shirt. Apabila jadi Kerajaan T- shirt tentu percuma.

Ada Jabatan Kerajaan yang mengadakan pameran untuk mempromosi Kementerian Pertanian saya fikir. Mereka yang datang melihat pameran diberi sepuluh ekor anak ayam, dedak dan beras. Makanan disediakan untuk pelawat.
Saya tak tahu samada pameran ini adalah sebahagian dari kempen BN. Jika ia, amat jelas pelawat tidak terpengaruh dengan hadiah anak ayam. Sebenarnya pengundi tidak mengundi mengikut hadiah – samada berbentuk duit atau anak ayam.
Mungkin saya salah (dan saya mengaku saya kerap salah) tetapi saya fikir pemberian wang dan hadiah tidak akan memberi kemenangan. Ini jelas dari PRU 13. Yang tak sokong tak sokong juga. Wang yang diberi adalah pembaziran, samada wang Kerajaan atau bukan Kerajaan.
Sokongan kepada parti politik diasaskan kepada perjuangannya dan tingkah laku pemimpin dan calon. Kalau datang dengan Mercedes atau motorsikal 1000 c.c, saguhati dan apa juga yang diberi tidak akan menawan hati. Ada pengundi yang tidak arif yang berkata ini rasuah. Ini sangkaan buruk mereka. Tetapi sangkaan ini walaupun mungkin bukan rasuah mungkin mempengaruhi tindakan mereka.
Di Sungai Limau ternampak banyak rumah batu bumbung genting. Nampak sejak saya jadi wakil rakyat dahulu keadaan banyak berubah. Ramai dari orang kampung yang sudah berjaya dan ada duit, walaupun tidak kaya.
Tetapi masih ramai yang miskin, amat miskin. Kalau mereka diberi peluang dan bantuan mungkin mereka akan berhijrah – Wallah wa’alam. Dan mungkin BN disanjung tinggi semula.
Inilah politik semasa. Duit lebih banyak tetapi pengaruh masih belum cukup.

baca lagi:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

latihan ketenteraan?

Ini bukan latihan ketenteraan.  Tetapi ini ialah antara slot latihan awal untuk menjadi security personnel/security guard atau apa sekali namanya pun di China. Latihan pelatih security guard di malaysia pula?

Trainees walk over the bodies of their fellow trainees during the Tianjiao Special Guard/Security Consultant Ltd. bodyguard training camp in Beijing, November 2, 2013. Trainees include former soldiers, college graduates and retired athletes. About 65 people took part in the intensive training camp teaching Israeli martial arts, driving, shooting and business etiquette. - Reuters pic, November 6, 2013.
  • New York, yesterday. - Reuters pic, November 6, 2013.
  • Trainees walk over the bodies of their fellow trainees during the Tianjiao Special Guard/Security Consultant Ltd. bodyguard training camp in Beijing, November 2, 2013. Trainees include former soldiers, college graduates and retired athletes. About 65 people took part in the intensive training camp teaching Israeli martial arts, driving, shooting and business etiquette. - Reuters pic, November 6, 2013. Trainees walk over the bodies of their fellow trainees during the Tianjiao Special Guard/Security Consultant Ltd. bodyguard training camp in Beijing, November 2, 2013. Trainees include former soldiers, college graduates and retired athletes. About 65 people took part in the intensive training camp teaching Israeli martial arts, driving, shooting and business etiquette. - Reuters pic, November 6, 2013.

latihan security guard di malaysia pula?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sekolah Cina dapat 2,3 juta, sekolah maahad dapat 350, 000

masih lagi.....

Penawaran bantuan sebanyak RM2.3 juta kepada beberapa sekolah Cina di Sungai Limau menimbulkan reaksi negatif dari penyokong UMNO dan aktivis pro-UMNO.

Walaupun sebuah sekolah maahad dapat RM350,000 dan beberapa sekolah maahad sudah dapat lebih banyak serta tawaran bantuan itu memang dalam peruntukan belanjawan, jawapan itu susah nak diterima.

Pada PRU13, 97% pengundi cina menolak kesemua calun BN. Namun begitu, tanpa segan silu, pengundi cina seramai 2 ribu lebih di Sungai Limau masih nak memberi senarai tuntutan.

Ini membuat ramai menganggap hanya satu saja jawapan kepada soalan yang diajukan editor Utusan Malaysia, Zulkiflee Bakar: 

Apa lagi lu ada?