Thursday, October 17, 2013


Dap terus membuat bising dengan isu kalimah ALLAH walaupun selepas beberapa  kali turun naik mahkamah dan yang terakhir, mahkamah rayuan putrajaya memutuskan The Herald tidak berhak menggunakan kalimah ALLAH.  

DAP melalui Tony Pua terus menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati dengan mengaitkan atau lebih senang dipanggil mempolitikkan isu ini.  Perkara ini mudah jika ditaksirkan intisarinya iaitu DI MALAYSIA, UMAT ISLAM TIDAK REDHA KALIMAH ALLAH DI GUNA PAKAI OLEH AGAMA LAIN DALAM MANA-MANA PLATFORM.  Dan itu, telah pun diterjemah melalui keputusan mahkamah rayuan baru-baru ini.  

Susah sangatkah untuk memahami kehendak orang Islam di malaysia? Susah sangatkah untuk menilai dan menghormati hak orang Islam? apabila DBKL cuba untuk 'menutup sedikit' sahaja jalan masuk dengan membuat dinding di sebuh kuil di jalan p ramlee, tidakkah penganut agama tersebut juga mempertahankan rumah ibadat mereka?hak mereka?  Apakah DAP tiada isu lain yang lebih besar untuk dicanang dengan memainkan perkara yang sensitif dengan orang Islam?

Tidak kurang dengan isu kalimah ALLAH, perihal abu chin peng untuk dibawa masuk ke Malaysia pun ditiupkan agar cerita itu jadi hangat.  Namun kerajaan Malaysia tetap bertegas dan ketegasan itu amat perlu dalam menangani kerenah-kerenah pembangkang seperti ini.

Janganlah menekan kerajaan secara amnya, dan umat Islam secara khususnya dengan isu ini.  Malahan ini tidak seharusnya menjadi isu sebaliknya perlu dilihat sebagai satu masalah yang ada penyelesaian dan penyelesaian telah pun termaktub.  Sebagaimana yang disebut Tan Sri Syed Albar, "This has nothing to do with politics. It is a question of belief," 

Kepada DAP, terimalah kenyataan dan tak perlulah kini cuba untuk menjadi hero kepada The Herald atau 'representative for the church'.  Janganlah bersikap sentiasa mencari salah.  

Kepada jentera-jentera UMNO, terutama sekali PEMUDA, jangalah pula bersikap 'sambil  lewa, 'tak apa', 'lantak pi la depan nak menyalak', tapi bersikap proaktiflah dan sentiasa bersiap sedia dengan fakta, maklumat dan aturcara untuk menjawab segala tohmahan dari pembangkang. 

Sedarlah dan bangunlah, dari hari sehari, kita terus diserang dari semua sudut, tak dapat liputan luas dalam akhbar mainstream, kita dihentam melalui media alternatif. 

Walaupun pemilihan sayap telah selesai, dan kini barangkali masih sibuk dengan pemilihan ketua-ketua bahagian, MT dan Naib Presiden, tetapi tugas dan kerja-kerja harus diteruskan.  Seperti mana slogan-slogan yang dilaungkan semasa kempen pemilihan; Pelopor, Pencetus dan Penggerak.

UMNO perlu terus kekal teguh dan relevan untuk agama bangsa dan tanahair tercinta.



"In Nomine Gusti Ingkang Murbeng Dumadi, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti", Snuok Hurgronje And The Allah Issue

I will explain what is 'In nomine Gusti Ingkang etc etc' at the end.

This is a rewrite of an old Blogpost I wrote some years ago. 

Here is something interesting. When someone asked Mao Tse Tung to comment on the French Revolution (late 18th century) Mao Tse Tung's reply was "Its too early to say"

There is much wisdom in Mao's words. When the fate of nations are involved, the time span over which change occurs takes decades and centuries. Introduce a new religion, a new political philosophy, a new way of thinking, a new economic policy and it will take ages to come to fruition, to prosper, or to whither and finally die.

The First World War (WW1) was a carry over of the 19th century. The events that led to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was merely a catalytic spark. The animosities and the posturing that caused WW1 were from the 19th century intrigues and treaty making among the European powers.

And 20 years later, the Second World War was a direct consequence of the First World War. So 19th century history was still playing itself out even until 1945. And the Great Game over Afghanistan (which started in the 19th century too) is still being played out until today.

In the case of religion it can take millenia for the effects of religion to wear off (my thesis of course is that religion is inherently bad). Countries or people afflicted with or by religion can suffer for a very long time.
I met some people who said that it was not important to look at history. One of them writes for Berita Harian while the other writes for Utusan Malaysia. ( I am positive neither will be reading my Blog.)

This is a very erroneous understanding of how things work. You absolutely cannot dismiss history. To ignore history is to be really flippant.

I also met some "religious" people who were from the National Consultative Council on Religion and Interfaith Affairs (or some mouthful like that). The issue was about 'Allah'.
Let me say it first : it is true that the Quran does not say that "Allah" is the sole ownership of the Muslims. Far from it. The Quran uses the word 'Allah' in reference to what is generally accepted as 'god' by all peoples. There is no sole franchise on the word Allah.

In the Arab countries there is no distinction between Muslim and non Muslim peoples over the usage of the word Allah.

But in places like Egypt, where Christian Arabs are a small minority in the face of a vast sea of Muslims, the fear is the other way around. If they use Allah, the Christians fear their kids who may be swallowed up by the Muslim Allah. So many Christians shy away from using 'Allah'. But I dont know if this applies to all the Christian sects in Egypt (Coptic, Syriac, mainstream, catholic etc).  It is expediency. Or survival of their religion.
In Turkey the Christians did print their Bibles using Allah but quite recently (from what I read), of their own accord, the Turkish Church has stopped using 'Allah' and their Bibles have been reprinted without 'Allah'. Again this is of their own accord. I think they too fear being swallowed up by the Muslim Allah, whose adherents are in the very large majority in Turkey. Again it is expediency. The Christians do not want their kids yto be confused over which Allah. Silap-silap the Christians may enter the masjid and become Muslims. 
But why does this Allah issue stir up so much fuss in Malaysia? Lets take it one step at a time.
Most clearly the Catholic Church in the rest of the world may not want to use the word Allah in their Bible.
As I said before, I really cannot imagine the Pope giving thanks to "Allah" during Christmas sermon at the Vatican. Some fanatic (maybe from Opus Dei itself) may shoot the Pope dead.  
And it is a fact that even in Malaysia, the other churches (Protestant, Evangelical, Jehovah's Witnesses etc) DO NOT agree with the usage of "Allah". This dispute over Allah in Malaysia is NOT really a universal christian thing or a universal Catholic issue. This is more specifically a Catholic Church of Malaysia issue - designed to make the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak become angry at the Barisan Nasional Gomen and vote for the Pakatan. That is why the Vhurch is so involved with the DAP on this issue. 

The Catholic Church made an issue over the word Allah but It is sad that the Tabernacle Church (Protestant) in Cheras got burnt - when the Tabernacle Church does not agree to using the word Allah in their sermons and publications.

(Here may I make a suggestion to my friends in the media Dato Zaini, Dato Tiger, Dato Johan etc) to send your reporters and camera crews to visit the Protestant Churches and the Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls (if they can be found) in Malaysia and ask them what they think about the word Allah.  

Do they use the word Allah in their churches now or will they in the future? If they dont want to, then why? Is it because they think that 'Allah' is the name of the pagan moon god of the Arabs? 

Then ask them what they think about the Catholic Church using the word Allah? Lets have a frank discussion about it. Different Christian sects have different views. Can you please highlight this?)

Many Muslims are ignorant over what is a Catholic Church, Protestat Church, Evangelical Church, Jehovah's Witnesses etc. The churches too should come forward and be honest about this. Do all of them use Allah in their sermons or in their publications? In the interests of the nation's security, I think the Government should ascertain this too.

It will be a sad day for Christendom in Malaysia if the different churches in Malaysia choose to hide their true feelings about their own thoughts about they themselves using the word Allah. Do they ALL use it, do they want to use it, do they not want to use it ? Are all the churches unanimous over this word "Allah"? Please speak up.

Surely "love for the nation" also means being honest and forthright and helping to preserve the peace in the country. It does not speak much of your religion if you decide to just keep mum over what are your real thoughts about the 'Allah' word - just because you want to show solidarity  through the CFM, CCM etc.

I know that the different Christian churches in Malaysia are pretty divided over this Allah issue. 
Some Christian Bible researchers have said before that Allah represents the pagan moon god of the Arabs - that is why some of the Protestant churches may not wish to claim Allah for themselves.

So why does the Catholic Church in Malaysia insist on using the word 'Allah'? Because the Indonesian Bibles have been using 'Allah' for a hundred years? 

But this is Malaysia. This is not Indonesia. Malaysia is a beautiful peaceful country. In Indonesia the Christians and Muslims have been massacring each other in Makasar, Maluku, Ambon, Madura, Sulawesi etc. They kill each other. See this  this picture below :

Christian Muslim clashes in Ambon. People running for their lives. This can happen in Malaysia. Push hard enough and it will happen.  Who cares who is civilised or not.  Dont play with fire

 Read more:


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