Tuesday, October 1, 2013

US begins government shutdown as budget deadline passes

What does shutdown mean for two million federal employees, agencies and tourist destinations?
The US government has begun a partial shutdown after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a new budget.
The Republican-led House of Representatives insisted on delaying President Barack Obama's healthcare reform - dubbed Obamacare - as a condition for passing a bill.
More than 700,000 federal employees face unpaid leave with no guarantee of back pay once the deadlock is over.
It is the first shutdown in 17 years and the dollar fell early on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Mr Obama blamed the House of Representatives for the stalemate and said he would "keep working to get Congress to reopen the government [and] restart vital services".
"This shutdown was completely preventable. It should not have happened," he wrote in aletter to federal government employees.
"And the House of Representatives can end it as soon as it follows the Senate's lead, and funds your work in the United States Government without trying to attach highly controversial and partisan measures in the process."
On Monday, House Speaker John Boehner told reporters he hoped the Senate would agree to a committee between the two chambers known as a conference "so we can resolve this for the American people".
"The House has voted to keep the government open but we also want basic fairness for all Americans under Obamacare," he said.
But on Tuesday morning, the Senate voted 54-46 to reject the request for formal negotiations to end the impasse.
Who is affected?

  • State department will be able to operate for limited time
  • Department of defence will continue military operations
  • Department of education will still distribute $22bn (£13.6bn) to public schools, but staffing is expected to be severely hit
  • Department of energy - 12,700 staff expected to be sent home, with 1,113 remaining to oversee nuclear arsenal
  • Department of health and human services expected to send home more than half of staff
  • The Federal Reserve, dept of homeland security, and justice dept will see little or no disruption
  • US Postal Services continue as normal
  • Smithsonian institutions, museums, zoos and many national parks will close

WASHINGTON DC: Operasi  kerajaan Amerika Syarikat terpaksa dihentikan secara rasmi selepas Kongres menolak rancangan pelan kesihatan yang dibawa pentadbiran presiden Barack Obama.

Ia pertama kali berlaku dalam tempoh 17 tahun.

Dewan Senat yang diketuai Demokrat enggan menyokong cadangan Dewan Rendah yang diketuai Republikan dengan undian 54 menolak 46 menyokong.

Dewan Rendah pada Jumaat menyertakan pindaan bersama bajet yang diluluskan Senat meminta agar perlaksanaan pelan kesihatan Obama ditunda untuk tempoh setahun.

Perkembangan yang berlaku menyebabkan kakitangan kerajaan persekutuan terpaksa menghentikan kerja mereka kecuali untuk beberapa sektor kritikal.

Perkhidmatan seperti kawalan sempadan, pemeriksaan daging dan trafik udara akan kekal beroperasi namun, pengeluaran pasport akan tergendala.

Dalam meraih sokongan pentadbiran Barack Obama sebelum ini berusaha untuk memujuk rakyat berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana membeli skim insurans kesihatan baru yang disubsidi kerajaan.

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